Friday, December 28, 2012

New Year's Resolutions 2013

Resolutions.  We make them every year.  But how often do we keep them?

Honestly, I never made any New Year's Resolutions until I started this journey to healthy living.  Fear of commitment?  Maybe.  Fear of  failure??  YES!!  I don't want to make a resolution and then be guilty of not following through with it.  However......

This year I have a few resolutions:

  1. No More Rules!!  I've decided that my children shouldn't have to follow a bunch of man made
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    rules!  In fact, I told them that.  You should have seen their faces light up! 

    If they take issue with a rule and they can prove that it is not valid based on the Bible, I will throw it out.  This way they have to study their Bibles for themselves and they will understand that we do what we do to please God rather than men.
  2. Honoring One Another!!  I've decided that if we, as a family, could work on honoring one another above ourselves, everyone will benefit and the fruit of these lessons will last for years and affect more than just our family relationships.  I have 2 Bible verses that I've asked my husband to print out so I can put them on the fridge: 

    Romans 12:10 ~ Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour prefering one another; not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.

    Jude 22 ~ And of  some have compassion making a difference.
  3. Homemade Bread!!   The ladies at church gave me a wheat grinder for my birthday!  I've wanted one of those for several years and now I have one, so one of my goals for this year is to find bread recipes that we all love and making it all myself - every bit of it!  No more store bought breads of any kind for us!! 
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  4. More Music!!   We will be replacing our piano - it's having issues.  We bought a guitar for our oldest for Christmas, so she'll be taking basic guitar lessons as well as piano lessons.  The younger 2 will be starting piano lessons in the fall and the second will continue with her piano lessons as that seems to be her "thing". 
  5. No More Plastic!!  I hope to have replaced all plastic serving utensils and measuring spoons with glass and stainless steel by the end of the year.  This is something I've been trying to do for a while, and we're almost there, but this year we will accomplish this goal.

 These are my resolutions.  They aren't anything fancy or inspiring, but they fit my family and my budget - especially grinding our own wheat and baking our own bread!  Definitely a money saver!   I love to change a few little things over the period of year that will, in the long run, improve my family's health and well being!

What are your New Year's Resolutions?  I'd love to hear them.  I'm always inspired by hearing other ideas and maybe adding your resolutions to my list!!  ;)  

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